Saturday, March 24, 2012

Backing up and transferring Hearbuilder Data

This week I figured out how to transfer Hearbuilder data from one computer to another.  So if you are switching computers and want to keep your data from Hearbuilder software (e.g.,  Following Directions, Phonological Awareness, or Sequencing), here is how you do it.
First if you are planning to transfer the data to a new computer, open the Hearbuilder program on the new computer and add student name. This will create a location to transfer the data to.
Now the tricky part, you have to locate where Hearbuilder stores the data on your computer.  Hearbuilder uses Flash Player and stores data as cookies in the flash player folder stored on your C drive within your username.  Hearbuilder warns that these files can be erased from cleaning out your cookies (which I’ve done twice). The simplest way to locate where they are stored will probably be to search for one of the file names.

In Windows 7:

Open the start menu, click on Computer,  and click on (C:).  Click in the search box located in the upper right of the window. Type in one of the following (depending on what you are looking for):
FollowingDirections.exe (for the Following Directions game)
HB_Sequencing.exe (for the Sequencing game) or
HearBuilderPA.exe (for the Phonological Awareness game)

Then click search. When the searching is done a folder within the C drive should be found. Right click on that folder and click open folder location. 

Copy the folder or folders named above to a flash drive or sd card.
Use the same process described above to locate the Hearbuilder software file you created on your new computer.

Replace the folder/folders on the new computer with the folder/folders saved on you flash drive or sd card.

Let me know if you have any problems with any of these steps or if anyone is interested in instructions on how to do this in Windows XP.  I have successfully transferred Hearbuilder data for all three of the programs above, so yes it can be done, even though the Hearbuilder website says it can’t.

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